1st Page
2000 2.0 is the tool that lets you create powerful,
great looking websites faster, easier and on-time. |
From Australia to California to Germany, professional web
builders are exploring 1st Page 2000, the world's free web
builder to create and manage world-class Web sites. Its power
and flexibility lets anyone create the web site they want.
Ask any professional web builder and they'll tell you the
sad stories behind using standard WYSIWYG editors. Professional
web builders know that WYSIWYG editors never create clean
html code which means they'll end up wasting more time fixing,
cleaning and correcting code later on. With this common problem
in mind, you'll be glad to hear that 1st Page never ruins
HTML code, infact it doesn't even add unwanted html codes
to your important projects.
Evrsoft 1st Page 2000 helps you write, edit and improve your
HTML, its powerful tools let you author websites faster, easier
and better! Most new builders don't realize the time they're
losing by relying on traditional based text editors like WindowsTM Notepad to author their sites. Whether you're a beginner or
an HTML guru you'll find 1st Page 2000 great to use!
"Nobody makes great looking websites that easily. You get
what you pay for. If it takes you 10 minutes to create a website
in a WYSIWYG editor, you're going to get a 10 minute result"
- Mark Stevenson
"If I'm editing text files I use Notepad, if I'm creating
high-end graphics I use SGI workstations, If I make web sites
I use a HTML editor that's designed specifically for the job."
- Juin Carter
"One of the top 3 HTML editors ever made"
- Michael Kor
a closer look at an extended 1st Page 2000 Features
You can also download 1st Page
2000 from our worldwide mirror sites!
Overview |
- Customizable Keyboard shortcuts
- Customizable Toolbar buttons
- Dockable/Floating Toolbars
- 3 primary development modes (easy/expert/hardcore)
- View/Disable most visible panels
- Store your own code snippets in myCode Library
Cutting Edge
- 450+ Javascripts/VBScripts
- DHTML Zone with re-usable DHTML scripts
- Full support for SSI, CGI, Perl, Cold Fusion, ASP.
- Javascript Rollover Images
- Javascript/VBScript Object Tree
- HTML Source Compressor - Reduce webpage file size
- Flash 4/Shockwave/Java/ActiveX Support
- 6 Common Javascript Wizards
- (Drop-down comboboxs, Frame Killer, Browser Detector,
- Last Modified Date, Background Fader)
- Includes over 20+ cgi/perl/htmlscripts from Matt's
- Script Archive with complete instructions on usage.
- Syntax Highlights Perl , CSS, HTML, CF, ASP, SSI,
- Javascript, CGI files.
- 3 chart HEX Color Picker
- Powerful speedy Wizards
- Tag Lists (Filter Zone)
- File Explorer
- Open Document From the Web
- Calculate Image sizes (height/width)
- Drag-drop from Explorer
- Source Code Formatter
- Instant Tag Help anywhere, anytime.
- Complete Web Building Reference
- Commonly Asked Questions
- Spell Checker
- Thesaurus Checker
- Special/Extended Character List